fredag 29. oktober 2010

New York City - my diary part 3

Day 3

This is my third and incredible day in the spectacular New York City! I have already been to aunt Sarah’s apartment in Brooklyn, and shall I tell you something amazing? She can see and enjoy the Brooklyn Bridge from her window!

We went together and saw the Empire State Building. It is 381 meters tall, and the name comes from the nickname for New York, “The Empire State”. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than 40 years, from when it was built in 1931, until construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. After the terrorist bombing and destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, the Empire State Building again became the tallest building in New York City. Because of this we had to go trough several safety checks.
We went to the top, and believe me; it was scary to look down!

To night we will be watching the “David Letterman Show” as they record it directly. We have tickets in on the first row in the audience! Paris Hilton will be tonight’s guest on the show. Personally I don’t care much for Paris Hilton’s desperation and needs for attention. But who cares? It’s about being in the audience that will make the impression so unforgettable! I’m looking forward to see David himself, tho. He is such a funny man!

After that I plan to go and see Time Square. Maybe I will buy myself a souvenir with the flag of the United States on! You see, the flag consists of thirteen equal stripes in red and white.  In the left corner it is a blue rectangle, bearing fifty small, white,five-pointed stars. The fifty stars on the flag represent the 50 states, and the 13 stripes represent the original thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy and became the first states in the Union.

Well, it’s time to go and get ready for the David Letterman Show.

See you later, diary!

New York City - my diary part 2

Day 2
Today I traveled out my door at 8 o’clock, and went straight for shopping in the streets in Soho before a lunch meeting with aunt Sarah. 

Soho is a well-known part of New York City, located in the south of Manhattan. To get to Soho from my hotel, witch lies close to Central Park, you have to take New York’s famous subway underground.

It’s not easy being by myself when it comes to finding out witch place to “jump on”. People dressed in black suits, with Star Bucks Coffee in their hands are rushing by constantly. A poor, but lively man, are sitting in a corner playing on a guitar for money. I gave him some coints and smiled. Luckily I met another man who was really helpful; I assume he saw how lost I was!

Soho has a lot to offer; especially when it comes to shopping. I went into a cosmetics store when I arrived, and all of the staff was really helpful and friendly. They asked me if I wanted to try different kinds of perfume, or if I wanted some make-up samples. I really like New Yorkers, they all seem so friendly! But then again, friendly people seem to always have their sneaky intentions. For instance when I had lost my direction on the underground station, the really nice guy who came to my rescue, suddenly demanded money!

It’s October, and the weather is kind of comfortable actually! I’m used to being in Norway on this time of the year, where we dress ourselves up with big coats and scarves. In New York City you may still wear only a sweater if you want to. You see, it can still be up to 20 degrees heir!

Lunch with aunt Sarah was enjoyable, and we really got to “catch up”. After that she had to run off for an interview – she’s a busy women you know!

 I spent the rest of the day sightsing, and when I finally understood the system of “how to use the subway” everything got a lot easier! I was curios to learn more about the history of New York City, so I decided to visit the Merchant's House Museum, who is the city’s oldest family home; "preserved intact it offers a rare and intimate glimpse of domestic life as it existed three decades before to the Civil War". Walking into the Merchant’s House, you are essentially walking into the home of the Tredwells, circa 1832. The house is filled with all of the families original belongings. Fascinating I have to say!

I also had the time for a fancy dinner at a restaurant. This before I hurried home and put on my finest clothes. Me and my aunt were heading off and into the street famous for it’s large assortment when it comes to musicals. Broadway.

Chicago was the name of the play we were going to be watching. I had seen the movie "Chicago" some years ago, and was exited to find out how they had interpreted it in real life.

The musical was fantastic! The songs, the people dancing and everything about it made me have goose bumps all over my back! The fact that the actors actually sing, dance and play at the same time was really impressive!

Now I have taken you, dear diary to a charming bench in Central Park. We picked up some food at a Deli close to the park, and are now sitting and enjoying the view of the sky scrapers surrounding us.

Talk to you tomorrow, diary! Good night!

torsdag 28. oktober 2010

New York City - my diary part 1

Day 1

Dear diary...
Today I arrived the spectacular city New York! I had only seen it on TV-shows and films earlier; my expectations were and still are very high. This is where I will spend my whole next week.

As you may understand, dear diary, I am here to visit my Aunt! She moved from cold Norway, and in to New York City two years ago. This in hopes of achieving a successful career in the economical industry. Her name is Sarah, and when she picked me up at the JFK airport, I jumped into her arms, because I was so thrilled to see her.
- Hair, makeup and clothes were totally changed! She was very conservatively dressed, with a black pencil skirt and high heels. This is what New York do with people!

At the moment I am sitting in my hotel room, writing in you. You see, I have chosen to stay here, in Midtown East on Manhattan. I want to live in walking distance to Time Square, Broadway and Central Park. My aunt has a small apartment in the south of Brooklyn, but that’s not a problem; I can just take the underground subway whenever I would like to come see her.

It’s late now. Ten hours ago I was sitting on a plane with butterflies in my stomach, exited to arrive New York City. Aunt Sarah and me took a yellow taxi to the hotel after I had gotten my luggage. We arrived, and were practically attacked by all the extremely helpful piccolos! I thought to myself “well, if you want to carry my bags and open the door; be my guest!” This was actually quite fantastic! Or... it was fantastic until all the ten piccolos stood outside my door, reaching out their hands for money. I was kind of blown away, and I didn’t know what to do. You see; I had absolutely no small change to give them! This made the men really pissed, and I could feel them glare at me with small eyes, as I hurried through the lobby when I went out to get some “late night food”.

Being in New York is like being in a whole different world! I have only been here a few hours, but the feeling I get when I look outside the window on all the hundreds of sky scrapers surrounding me, make my heart beat faster and faster. I can’t wait to get out and experience all of New York’s magnificent fasciitis! I will do this mainly on Manhattan, but also in Brooklyn and in Queens.

New York is located in the north-eastern part of the United States. I have of course done some research! In books and on the Internet I have read that it’s the nations third most populous state, and that it borders by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east. The state also has a maritime boarder with Rhode Island east of Long Island. New York City is the most populous city in the United States, with a population of almost twenty million people!

Hopefully I will experience some great adventures while I stay in the city New York, and I am looking forward to see all the people and their culture! I have gotten the impression that “New York people” always are in a hurry, and that every one are interested in having a successful career. Is this true? Well... Guess I can find out more about that tomorrow. Now I have to get some sleep; I wouldn’t want to miss a second of important time in the city.

Good night, dear diary